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Dheeradon “Gotji” Dissara
General Manager, Ray Cocktail and Bite

The Hat Yai-born, Bangkok-bred mixologist entered the bar industry is probably the most unexpected way. While doing his day job as a graphic designer, Got entered a cocktail competition just for fun and ended up winning, prompting him to contemplate his alternative career choice. He later chose to pursue a career as a bartender and spent a few years crafting his skills in a Thai restaurant before taking the current role at a cocktail bar. His passion for cocktail making lies in its on-your-feet, hands-on nature that gives him the opportunity to create tangible, enjoyable products by hand and entertain his patrons with his complex yet easy to understand cocktails inspired by fashion, film, food and other trends that are interconnected and influencing each other.

Besides looking to challenge himself in competitions, Got also likes to contribute to the scene by training young generation bartenders to create the better future for Thailand’s beverage industry.